Friday, May 7, 2021

2021 Vaccinations, stimulus checks and a tiny bit of time traveling (at home!)

 We were interviewed by a local news station, WPDE who wanted to do a story about us and our car and what we do with it.  Amanda made it enjoyable, and it was refreshing to get out and stretch a little, and give the DeLorean an occasion to drive, if only just a few miles. April was Parkinson's Awareness Month again, and it would have been fortuitous if the segment had aired then, but it's still in the works.

A producer from Coastal Independent Films reached out and organized a short documentary on Terry and I.  Again, it was nice to have an excuse to wash the time machine, and spruce it up a little.  We all have missed going to far away places on adventures unknown.  Joel Stevens was a solid interviewer. He had done plenty of homework, knew all the questions, and was an old pro. (in the most complimentary sense.)  No idea when that big debut will be either!  But someday, we're gonna get a few more minutes of fame added to our tally...


We will miss the Team Fox Annual get together this year.  Try as we might, we didn't quite raise enough funds during the pandemic to attend the 'Virtual' ceremony.  2020 was certainly a strange year...

The DeLorean Time Machine from the film 'Back to the Future' will be inducted into a very prestigious classification next month.  As time travelers (and friends of Bob Gale, who is more than thoughtful and kind to us), we have been asked to participate in some of the celebrations. The HVA has sponsored us to take part in the Annual Hagerty 'Amelia Island or Bust' road rally which will have us driving from Maryland to Florida.  (A short little trip for us, but 6 days of fun, off-highway camaraderie with fellow auto folk.)  Then we'll appear at the entrance of the Amelia Island Concourse D' Elegance which we've never attended.  Some fancy hotels, dinners and fund raising!!!! with masked interactions.  We are looking forward to it!!!!

Welcome to Amelia Concours d'Elegance