We received a call to come to the San Diego Comic Con to assist with a Team Fox fund raiser using the method Terry and I originated with our time machine! Desi DosSantos of ScreenUsed.com was featuring his DeLorean screen used in BTTF3 in the Profiles in History booth, and generously decided to use the high profile event to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research!

Since it was the last minute, Terry cleared our work schedule, booked the cheapest airline tickets she could, and even found a hotel! (No small task, as Comic Con is sold out to maximum capacity crowds early, every year.) Lots of fun and hard work, as it was held over 5 days, with a preview on Wednesday night. Didn't get to see the show, and only had lunch twice during the 5 days, but it was a real blast working side by side with Desi. He's an amazing person, and a true, dedicated, tireless professional.
Several celebrities came to our booth, including Billy Zane, from the BTTF films (one of Biff's gang), and spent some time with Claudia Wells (Marty's girlfriend), and Lou Ferrigno and Ben Vereen even stopped by! Said Hello to Drew Struzan (Oliver's hero), the most famous and accomplished poster artist in the history of cinema. He painted all the posters for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, and all the other 'important' films. Now retired, he made a special appearance at the con to announce his new book featuring his lifetime of work.
We figured the show amounted to over 42 hours of work. We took hundreds of photos, and met lots of fans.
We're not marathon runners, but it sure felt like a marathon!!!
$11,131.90 was sent to Team Fox thanks to Desi and his wonderful car! Our biggest fund raiser yet!
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